Kitchen Table Project
Part of Care For The Family
Just 50% of children growing up in Christian homes will keep their faith as adults.As parents we can change that!
What many people don’t realise is that mums, dads and carers are the most important influence on children developing a faith that lasts.
The Kitchen Table Project aims to raise awareness of just how important parents are in building our children’s faith. We can’t just rely on the great children’s work that happens in our churches to teach our children about God. However important that may be, it’s not a substitute for the amazing opportunity we have at home with our children.
We want to give reminders, ideas and opportunities for us all to be more intentional about how we help our children’s love for God grow while they are young.
Our primary focus will be on equipping parents with children aged under 11. However we know that it’s never too late to start, and we don’t stop at any point either! We will be signposting to lots of resources that help at different ages too.
!Audacious Kids Music
Online resources from !Audacious Church
We've been crafting kids praise songs for over 5 years, and we're pleased to offer three whole albums' worth of songs, lyric videos, backing tracks, actions tutorials and more.
These can be used in a local church kids ministry context as well as at home, to create an atmosphere of enthusiastic and engaging encounter moments with Jesus.
Click the link to get access. It's all free!